What To Do To Prevent Lockouts

Preventing lockouts is feasible, and if a lockout has ever happened to you or to someone you know, then of course you know it is stressful and you want this to be something that you can avoid. While we strongly recommend saving the phone number of a locksmith that is able to offer 24/7 emergency assistance – like our company (https://www.batavialocksmith.net]– there are other steps to avoid a lockout in the first place.  
Let’s go over some different scenarios that might take place… 
“I stepped outside to let the dog out, and my toddler locked the door behind me!” 
 “My key is jammed in the lock!” 
 “I am locked out of my car and the key is on the driver’s seat inside the vehicle!” 
“I forgot my keys for my office at home, but I commute more than an hour to get to work. I need help!” 
These are all scenarios that can happen to anyone. And of course no one wants to have to deal with any of these situations, because they can really cause a setback in the day. So, we will now discuss how to avoid car lockouts, office lockouts and home lockouts. Keep reading the information provided at our website to learn what to do! (batavialocksmith.net
Prevent auto lockouts. 
Car lockouts often happen because a motorist ends up locking their key inside the vehicle. This happens frequently when the battery for the transponder key has died, so the motorist is unlocking the door by hand and locking the door by hand when getting in and out of the vehicle. The problem occurs when the motorist steps out of the vehicle without realizing the keys are sitting in the ignition or on the car seat, and they press the lock button on the interior of the door then have an “oops” moment. How can you stop this from happening? We recommend getting into the habit of only closing the door once the key is in your hand. We also recommend having a mantra – saying to yourself, “grab the key, lock the door” will get you in the habit of ensuring you are holding your key. We also recommend changing the battery as soon as possible! One other tip is to have a copy of your key made if you do not already have a spare. Speaking of having a copy made… 
Share a Copy of Your Key With Someone You Trust 
This is a tip that would be effective in preventing all kinds of lockouts – automotive, commercial and residential. If you have someone you trust near you, whether that might be a family member who lives nearby, or even a neighbor – it is recommended that you give them a copy of your key. It is important to note that this is a good idea for more than one reason – not just to prevent a lockout. Not only would the person with your spare key be able to help you if a lockout were to occur, but in an emergency situation or other unexpected situation, they could access your property. Maybe you were on a day trip and your car broke down a couple hours away from home, and you have a dog at home waiting to be fed and taken outside. If a family member or friend has a spare key, then they can take care of this for you. Perhaps you are traveling and left your car at home because you took your partner’s vehicle, but suddenly a neighbor is calling to tell you that all cars have to be removed from the street by the morning due to construction. You panic because you live in a condo or townhome where everyone parks on the street, and you can’t get home fast enough to move the vehicle. This scenario would warrant calling for the help of a friend or family member nearby who has a copy of your key. 
Now, back to how to avoid lockouts!   
Avoid Home Lockouts By Using Keyless Systems 
Another way to avoid lockouts is to avoid having a key. How can you do this if you still want to lock up? You can have a keyless system installed. You don’t have to worry about a lockout if you get in to your property by using a code. Keyless entry systems not only can help to prevent lockouts, but you can share your code with people you trust to give them easy access to your property without creating a copy of a key. 
Have a Wall Mounted Garage Door Lock Installed 
Having a lock installed might seem counterintuitive when it comes to avoiding a lockout, but if you have a keypad next to your garage door installed, then at the very least, if you are locked out of the front door, you can get in through the garage. 
Keep a Copy of Your Key  
We mentioned sharing a spare key, but you should also consider keeping a copy of your key on you, too. Could one fit in your wallet? It probably could. Could a key be placed in a different pocket in your purse? You can even place a spare key somewhere that is concealed on your property.  
There are things to do to stop a future lockout from occurring, and we hope that you have found this information to be useful. A locksmith can offer helpful services, as they can help copy your key, or even install a keyless system. They can install brand new locks for you as well.  
We are a mobile locksmith company that knows you need to be able to get into your car, and of course your residential and commercial properties. You don’t want to ever get locked out. If you know what to do to prevent lockouts, then you can save yourself money, stress and time. It is always our recommendation that you call on a locksmith for lock and security assistance, to include help during a lockout!   
For more information: www.batavialocksmith.net 
